Friday, October 2, 2009

Hit and Run Accident Caused by Drunk Driving

Traffic law prohibits drivers to drive under the influence of alcohol. When drivers are drunk, they are more likely to be involved or cause an accident because they are momentarily impaired by the substance.

When an accident does happen and someone was injured, the proper thing that should be done is to stop the vehicle, report the accident to the police, and follow all legal procedures.

This did not happen in the case of a man who was struck by a passing vehicle while he was working on his car.

Francisco Guzman, 25, from Merced, was just standing by the left front fender of his car along 200 block of East 11th Street when a vehicle traveling eastbound sideswiped his car, said Merced police.

He was brought to an area hospital in Modesto for treatment, said police.

The 29-year-old driver who hit Guzman was arrested by police on suspicion of DUI, driving without a license, and hit-and-run.

Drunk driving is a negligent action that can be easily avoided by drivers but many choose not to do so. They do not realize that what they are doing is putting other road users at risk of being injured.

Imposing stricter rules and serious punishments by the state against DUI and hit-and-run accidents can be a way of reminding drivers their responsibilities while on the roads.