A 12-year-old boy is recently questioned after he reportedly backed up an ATV and knocked down his grandmother near Strathmore. The Dinuba woman was hospitalized and treated for a cut on her head.
Both the 62-year-old woman and her grandson couldn’t explain how things happen but this vehicle accident clearly shows that underage driving can result to injuries and property damages.
Parents and guardians should be strict in imposing rules with regards to driving so that children would not be harmed and cause harm to those around him.
Responsible parenting can lessen the risk of these accidents involving kids and teens and so the first step to a safer community depends on the good examples that parents show and the way they discipline their children.
Both the 62-year-old woman and her grandson couldn’t explain how things happen but this vehicle accident clearly shows that underage driving can result to injuries and property damages.
Parents and guardians should be strict in imposing rules with regards to driving so that children would not be harmed and cause harm to those around him.
Responsible parenting can lessen the risk of these accidents involving kids and teens and so the first step to a safer community depends on the good examples that parents show and the way they discipline their children.