Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Prolong Sitting Could Increase Risk of Disability from Type 2 Diabetes: Study

According to a study conducted by U.K. researchers, led by Dr. Emma Wilmot of the Leicester General Hospital, inactive lifestyle imposes heath risks to many.

Accordingly, sitting for long hours increases the risk of developing diabetes and other related disabling conditions.

In the said study, researchers reviewed the findings of 18 different health studies of approximately 800,000 adults from different countries, including the – United States, Canada, Australia, Japan, and certain European countries. Each study observed various sitting activities like watching TV or driving.

Subsequently, the researchers found out that prolonged sitting generate poorer health, resulting in certain illnesses, such as risk of type 2 diabetes. Also, some of the findings even revealed that sitting for a long period could double the risk of diabetes.

Incidentally, for many years doctors have been trying to suggest more physical activities to patients to avoid developing certain medical conditions that may lead to long-term or even permanent disability particularly in young adults.

People who cannot avoid sitting for long period of time are encourage    d to do more frequent activities to reduce the risk of disabling conditions caused diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is one of the many serious medical conditions that may qualify for long-term disability benefits under the federal laws. Some of its complications can eventually develop additional disabling conditions like nerve damage and heart ailments.

Consequently, obtaining such benefits is a long way process. Basically, a claim must be supported by documental evidences that include consistent medical care in cases as such. Also, claimants must review their insurance policy documents to check on their eligibility. Therefore, many Los Angeles social security disability lawyers always advise patients to have a consistent medical treatment for their disability or medical condition to help support their evidence as well as to know the status of their policies.