Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Hundreds File Claims on Coal Ash Spill

Exactly a year after a coal ash spill that caused various illnesses to residents nearby, hundreds filed personal injury claims against the company responsible for the said incident.

The Tennessee Valley Authority is facing hundreds of lawsuits in connection with last year’s December 22 incident wherein a wall protecting around a billion gallon of coal ash collapsed which led to the contamination of the nearby Tennessee River with toxic substances found in coal.

These dangerous substances include mercury, arsenic, and other heavy metals commonly found in coal could cause illnesses and poisoning to those who would inhale or intake the contaminated air and water.

Until now, the company is yet to finish cleaning up the site of the spill.

TVA has contended in courts that they are immune from such lawsuits involving negligence since they are providing their services to the government. Nonetheless, the utility is expected to protect itself from personal injury cases filed against them.

The company has a coal-burning power plant that releases gallons of coal ashes that are potentially harmful to those around it. They should have exercised extra caution in dealing with these harmful substances in order to evade product and/or property liability.